When digital signage improves the organisation of medical analysis laboratories

3 July 2023

Medical analysis laboratories are at the heart of the fight against Covid-19. Screening helps to slow the spread of the epidemic. A positive person takes the necessary steps to protect others. At group level, transmission of the virus is reduced and the risk of hospital saturation is reduced. Our solution? Dynamic displays.

The number of screening tests carried out in France is rising sharply. The Drees (Direction de la Recherche, des Études, de l’Évaluation et des Statistiques) counted 168.21 million last year. While this number is already significant, it will rise to 9.5 million screenings in the first week of 2022. Never before have so many French people been tested as at the start of this year.


Medical analysis laboratories need to maximise the efficiency of their organisation to keep pace. By welcoming more people into their facilities, they can also strengthen their mission to raise awareness. Find out in this article how technological solutions such as kiosks and digital signage can help establishments meet their communication and operational challenges.

The challenges facing medical analysis laboratories in the fight against the epidemic

Medical analysis laboratories help to slow down the epidemic:

  • They identify positive individuals, who are then more cautious and can avoid contact with other individuals to protect themselves.
  • They inform the public in their establishments: patients are more likely to assimilate barrier measures if the messages are repeated. They can keep abreast of developments in the epidemic with reliable, up-to-date information, for example on new outbreaks or variants.

However, medical analysis laboratory teams are overwhelmed during peak periods.

The pace of work causes fatigue and stress when it is too intense, the context affects the morale of the teams, and the time they devote to carrying out tests increases with the number of patients…

To continue performing tests efficiently, medical analysis laboratories need to ensure that..:

  • Patients to have easy access to the information they are looking for, because the time that teams can devote to each patient decreases as the number of patients increases.
  • To be more efficient in administrative and management tasks, so that teams can concentrate on carrying out screening tests.

LED screens, digital kiosks and dynamic displays are technological solutions that can be easily installed in reception areas to meet both these needs.

Raising public awareness using LED screens as dynamic displays

The number of patients visiting their establishments for screening tests is increasing. Medical analysis laboratories can thus become public information relays. However, this communication mission must not overburden the teams in the field. Information must be disseminated simply and effectively, in one or more reception areas of a laboratory.

LED screens, as dynamic displays, are a solution for medical analysis laboratories wishing to raise awareness among their patients. At the same time, teams can concentrate on carrying out screening tests. Interconnected LED screens provide communication via a central system controlled from laboratory headquarters. This connectivity offers a number of advantages:

A single workstation

A single workstation manages all the dynamic displays. This means that laboratory teams in the field don’t have to worry about displaying content on the screens.

Information that can be changed at any time

Information can be changed on each screen almost instantly.

Animated/video content

Screens offer the possibility of displaying animated or video content, which attracts the public’s attention more easily. Movement naturally attracts the human eye. For example, reminders of barrier gestures in video are seen more often than the same reminders on a static poster.

LED screens are also used for corporate communications in medical analysis laboratories. Any content that presents or illustrates the group’s activity can be broadcast in the establishments. Each screen can be configured as required: a group of laboratories can vary the type and frequency of content. On one or more screens, depending on the time of day or the time of year.

Carry out screening tests more quickly thanks to our dynamic displays (kiosks)

Medical analysis laboratories face a major operational challenge. Staff need to be able to manage peaks in activity, i.e. major variations in the number of tests to be carried out. The stakes are high, because the more patients need to be tested, the more time the laboratory teams spend carrying out the tests. The less time they have for other tasks such as patient registration.

One particularly effective solution is to make patients more autonomous in managing their needs. Facilities can implement this solution by equipping themselves with digital terminals. This will make patients more active in their care, which has a double benefit:

  • Patients save time, and they feel that they are being looked after more quickly.
  • Laboratory teams spend less time on administrative and management tasks. This frees up time for carrying out tests.

More generally, these dynamic displays improve the organisation and image of medical analysis laboratories. They facilitate patient care at several stages of the treatment process, from pre-registration to payment. The main benefits of kiosks for laboratories include

  • Reduction and better management of queues (and less stress for the laboratory teams responsible for registering patients).
  • Increased health protection.
  • Reduced risk of non-payment.
  • Modernisation of the brand image.

The MK Med kiosk from Iagona: a dynamic display solution for better flow management in a laboratory

The MK Med terminal is designed specifically to meet the needs of medical analysis laboratories.

It enables patients to manage their admissions independently:

  • It reads health insurance cards and updates patient rights.
  • It scans prescriptions.
  • It fills in items to be defined (reason for coming, symptoms, already a patient, etc.).
  • It proposes payment before or after the procedure.
  • Integrates patients into the queue (GFA).
  • It prints : A4, labels, 80 mm (receipt).

What’s more, the MK Med terminal is easy to use. Its intuitive interface makes it easy for patients to get to grips with. What’s more, the entire laboratory management system integrates all the stages of the care process to ensure that everything runs smoothly:

Step 1

The patient identifies himself and registers on the terminal. They receive a numbered ticket and wait in the waiting room until it is their turn.

Step 2

The laboratory’s management system integrates the registration thanks to a backoffice module integrated into the MK Med terminal. When it’s the patient’s turn, he or she is automatically called.

Step 3

Once the test has been carried out, the patient pays at the MK Med terminal. They also receive the documents they need to be informed of their test results. These include their login details, password and the time when they can view their results on the laboratory’s website.

Are you planning to equip your medical analysis laboratories with dynamic displays? Would you like more information about Iagona’s LED screens or digital terminals? Our teams are here to help!

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