All local authorities and government departments share a common objective: to provide a public service. More often than not, the public with whom they interact are not customers, but citizens. They must work to welcome them in the best possible conditions, respond to their requests efficiently… all while leaving behind a positive image that enhances their status.

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Local authorities and administrations: digital signage makes you more attractive than ever!

Iagona - Value


Digital signage is the ultimate tool for communicating with your citizens.

Iagona - Branding

Put the spotlight on

Use digital signage to promote news from your town or region and showcase your area.

Iagona - Easy

Make it easy

Digital signage is also a way of facilitating administrative procedures. Make digital media available to your citizens.

Iagona - Value


With digital signage, you can continuously improve the attractiveness of your local image.

A simple, modern communication tool

Are you in charge of communications for a town hall, tourist office, CCI or other public body? Digital signage has all the features you need to modernise your image and raise your profile!

Digital signage: a communication tool that’s perfectly suited to administrations and local authorities

  • The citizens who come to you for a public service live in a world of immediacy and connectivity. They are used to obtaining all the information they are looking for simply and quickly from their smartphone. With digital signage, you give yourself the opportunity to keep pace with them and meet their high expectations!
  • Ensure the satisfaction of the people who visit you by equipping yourself with a communication medium that respects your budget. Make information available, legible and enjoyable within your public organisation. Digital signage helps town halls and local authorities in all their day-to-day activities:
  • keeping citizens informed
  • promoting news
  • facilitate administrative procedures
  • maximise service quality
  • continuously improve the attractiveness of the local image

Simplify your communications by installing connected screens

As a digital solution, our Neoscreen digital signage software can be managed from a single platform. Each screen is connected, so you can make the most of it in just a few clicks! Take full advantage of today’s digital technologies:

  • Capture the attention of your audience with dynamic content that naturally attracts their attention.
  • offer an attractive reception experience: all visual communication formats are possible.
  • define and modify the content shown on each screen at any time.
  • personalise your messages according to the location of the digital signage screen or the time of day.

Choose ease of use by installing a digital signage system with management support software. At IAGONA, we integrate extensions into our solutions with functionalities tailored to the needs of public authorities:

  • Neoscreen: to design and display all your content and distribute it wherever you want.
  • MapEx: to help your visitors find their way around with an interactive map, and easily create a dynamic itinerary.
  • DeskEx: to welcome visitors, make appointments and direct them to the services in question.
  • SignEx : to direct the public to their meeting rooms, seminars or training courses, thanks to dynamic signposting./ to direct the public to the various services in your establishment, but also to make the day-to-day work of your teams easier by indicating meeting rooms, seminars, etc.
  • WaitEx: queue management to help your services run more smoothly.




Iagona can help you digitise your customer journey

We’re here to listen to your digital signage projects, to help you digitise your displays and advise you on the best way to meet your needs!


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Digital signage adds value to the image and recognition of your town or region. Equipping yourself with this kind of solution encourages your citizens to feel that they belong.

What benefits can digital signage bring to your public organisation?

The properties of digital signage make it an appropriate solution for the needs of administrations and local authorities. Use it to make your organisation more efficient and develop your business:

  • Reinforce your identity: Promote your local dynamic and your projects by projecting attractive visuals onto your connected screens.
  • Improve your communication: inform your visitors, your fellow citizens and your public more effectively. With digital signage, you can make waiting times more pleasant by projecting photos, videos and animations. You can also make queues more fluid by displaying numbers. You can also share important information with residents, such as legal notices, local news and forthcoming events. You facilitate the relationship between the local authority and the citizen
  • Create an information hub: town halls, local authorities… take advantage of the ease of use of digital signage to provide information about local life. The information is updated regularly and automatically.
  • Explain the procedures to be followed: use the screens to clearly display the procedures or deadlines to be met. You’ll be more efficient with :
    • smoother queues,
    • better informed citizens who don’t need to mobilise your staff to find the answers to their questions. Digital signage directs them to your services in complete autonomy.
  • Share information with your agents: send them all the data they need quickly and easily, including targets, ongoing changes, work schedules and local information.

Un logiciel d’affichage dynamique est-il une solution pertinente pour ma collectivité ?

Utilisé de manière stratégique pour atteindre vos objectifs de communication, le logiciel d’affichage dynamique vous sera pertinent. Voici quelques exemples de situations où l’affichage dynamique est la solution idéale pour votre collectivité :

  • Diffuser de manière interactive et attractive des informations sur vos services proposés (les horaires d’ouverture des mairies, les événements à venir, les démarches administratives, etc.)
  • Présenter vos projets et actions menées aux habitants et aux visiteurs (comme des campagnes de sensibilisation, des projets de développement local, etc.)
  • Diffuser de manière ciblée des informations aux différents publics de votre collectivité (aux écoles, aux associations, aux entreprises, etc.)

De plus, le logiciel d’affichage dynamique vous permet de gérer le parc d’écran à distance. Ainsi, vous pouvez installer des totems et écran d’affichage dynamique dans les points clés stratégiques de votre ville afin d’être sûr qu’ils soient vus et lus par vos citoyens. Tous vos écrans seront gérés depuis votre établissement principal et vous permettront ainsi de sélectionner l’information à diffuser et de promouvoir les actualités et événements de choix.

Ainsi, vous serez sûrs d’atteindre vos objectifs de communication et de bénéficier d’une solution pertinente pour vous et vos administrés.

L’affichage dynamique permet-il de mettre en avant les acteurs locaux ?

L’affichage dynamique est un outil intéressant pour mettre en avant les acteurs locaux, notamment en diffusant des informations sur leurs activités et leurs projets. Cela est particulièrement utile afin de valoriser et soutenir le tissu économique local. 

Ainsi, grâce à l’affichage dynamique vous pourrez les mettre en avant de différentes manières, comme :

  • En diffusant des informations sur les entreprises locales et leurs produits ou services
  • En présentant les associations et les initiatives locales et leurs projets
  • En mettant en avant les artistes et les créateurs locaux et leurs événements à venir

De plus, vous pouvez choisir de rentabiliser les écrans en proposant à vos acteurs locaux des encarts publicitaires. Ainsi, fini les magazine papier distribués dans les boîtes aux lettres, désormais les informations seront affichées sur les écrans, accessibles à tous.