LED advertising panels – 5 tips for a successful advertising campaign

3 July 2023

The most successful advertising campaigns have a resounding impact. Messages are remembered from the moment they are first broadcast, and they are repeated by people who themselves become communication relays… What are the ingredients for such success?

In this article, discover five tips for a successful advertising campaign using LED panels.

An advertising campaign needs to take a number of factors into account to maximise its potential reach.

A company leaves nothing to chance and chooses (among other things) the most appropriate communication channels for its advertisements. LED advertising panels offer a number of advantages in this respect!

As well as excelling at capturing audiences, they allow simplified management of advertising campaigns, enabling a company to objectively study and readjust its communication actions.

Our 5 key tips

Tip N° 1 – Think strategically

Most companies know that a successful communications campaign is based on strategic management.

Outdoor advertising is one of the major communication tools used by companies to achieve their image and brand awareness objectives. It can take several forms, depending on the location of the medium (indoor or outdoor) and its nature (print or digital). Digital displays can themselves be divided into several categories, each with its own characteristics. The advertising LED panel is one of them. A company that thinks in terms of strategy chooses its communication levers by knowing their properties.

LED advertising panels are renowned for their ability to capture people’s attention. As a result, the messages they broadcast are easily memorised. To maximise this impact, a company equipping itself with LED advertising panels needs to study the context in which it meets its audience:

  • Outdoors: LED advertising panels do not offer the same promise of results if they are installed at the side of the road, at a bus stop or in a shop window. The people who come across the advertising do not have the same “availability” in these different situations, and the potential number of people reached by the advertising also varies.
  • Indoors: here too, the LED advertising panel can be installed in a variety of locations where the attention of the public can vary greatly: at the entrance to an establishment, in a waiting area, on walls, etc. The configuration of a screen park therefore has an impact on the strategic possibilities for a company in its communication campaigns.

You should also be aware that installing an advertising screen is a regulated practice. It's in a company's interest to find out about the legislation governing the installation of an advertising screen before taking the plunge. Technical criteria for LED advertising panels are also important: if a company wants to equip itself with one, the criteria will help it to choose the product closest to its needs.

Tip N° 2 – Be creative

Another major element of a successful advertising campaign is the creative idea, whether the content is static, animated or video. If a company has in-house resources that are naturally inspired and have an overflowing imagination… it can give them a place in the development phase of an advertising campaign to come up with high-potential ideas!

However, the creative idea must be linked to the strategy if a company’s advertising is to be successful. Strategic orientations have an influence on :

  • Determining the codes of the advertising message: advertising respects the choice of an emotional or rational register, an approach based on seduction or explanation… and the content is adapted accordingly.
  • The expected effect, i.e. the reaction expected from the audience: for example, if an LED advertising panel is installed in a shop window, the content may be designed to attract attention and encourage people to enter the establishment; if the LED advertising panel is installed in a waiting room, the content may be designed to inform or fill the waiting time.

While creativity is most often found in the content, it can also be found in the communication format! Successful advertising campaigns have already relied on technological advances in digital signage: augmented reality and holograms, for example, have enabled advertisers to create highly original advertisements, which have been widely publicised by people sharing them on social networks.

Tip N° 3 – Rely on the way the human eye works

Outdoor advertising is recognised as an effective communication tool because it appeals to the public in their daily lives, for example on the way to work or while waiting in the reception area of an establishment. But digital displays have certain advantages over traditional poster holders, thanks to the “dynamic” nature of their content. They are more easily and intuitively noticed by the human eye.

The human eye is naturally captivated by movement. This is one of the reasons why LED advertising panels excel at capturing the public’s attention. As a result, the messages they broadcast are better remembered, and the communication is therefore more effective.

Businesses also have the advantage that, to rely on this, the content broadcast does not necessarily need to be overly elaborate. Dynamic content can be easy to produce! Digital signage manufacturers often include content production software in their solutions. In fact, graphic creation tools are one of the functionalities that a company can expect from an LED advertising panel.

And although this is standardised software that does not match the skills of a graphic designer or videographer, the rendering is of sufficient quality to attract the human eye.

Tip N° 4 – Thinking in terms of experience

A company can maximise the success of its LED panel advertising campaigns by thinking in terms of experience, i.e. by studying the overall context in which messages are delivered.

LED advertising panels (and dynamic displays more generally) have the advantage of promoting an attractive experience in a reception or sales area. Connected to the establishment via digital technology and sometimes synchronised, a company can easily manage all the screens thanks to a central control system. All communication campaigns can be configured from a single point. As a result, if advertising LED panels are installed in establishments, they benefit from the brand’s universe, while simultaneously enriching it.

Some digital displays, such as interactive LED totems, even perform operational tasks. Some companies are creating an attractive experience thanks to an omnichannel strategy, in which the user or customer journey is seamless, regardless of the terminal used to carry out an action (smartphone, kiosk, totem, computer, etc.).

The most effective advertising campaigns are those that are integrated into a company’s overall experiential approach, because today there is no longer any separation between online and offline. With the advent of the smartphone, every reception and sales area is potentially connected. An attractive experience, even when broadcasting an advertisement, maintains and improves a company’s relationship with its prospects and customers.

Tip N° 5 – Choose an ROI approach

A company can maximise the success of its LED billboard advertising campaigns by thinking in terms of experience, i.e. by studying the overall context in which messages are delivered.

A company can maximise the success of its LED panel advertising campaigns by thinking in terms of experience, i.e. by studying the overall context in which messages are delivered.

LED advertising panels (and dynamic displays more generally) have the advantage of promoting an attractive experience in a reception or sales area. Connected to the establishment via digital technology and sometimes synchronised, a company can easily manage all the screens thanks to a central control system. All communication campaigns can be configured from a single point. As a result, if advertising LED panels are installed in establishments, they benefit from the brand’s universe, while simultaneously enriching it.

Some digital displays, such as interactive LED totems, even perform operational tasks. Some companies are creating an attractive experience thanks to an omnichannel strategy, in which the user or customer journey is seamless, regardless of the terminal used to carry out an action (smartphone, kiosk, totem, computer, etc.).

The most effective advertising campaigns are those that are integrated into a company’s overall experiential approach, because today there is no longer any separation between online and offline. With the advent of the smartphone, every reception and sales area is potentially connected. An attractive experience, even when broadcasting an advertisement, maintains and improves a company’s relationship with its prospects and customers.

Personalised assistance

Iagona products are manufactured in France and comply with CE standards. To date, more than 24,000 solutions (digital signage and interactive terminals) have been deployed. We take care of installation and maintenance, and have a dedicated team of over 400 technicians ready to intervene at your point of sale.

Digital tools have the advantage of being particularly well suited to measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. What’s more, they offer companies the opportunity to be responsive and agile in their approach, if necessary by re-adapting their advertising choices, thereby maximising the ROI (return on investment) of their actions.

The ROI approach can also be found in the personalisation of advertising. A company with a fleet of LED advertising panels can easily put in place differentiated communication campaigns: depending on the time of year, the type of public coming to the site, the brand’s highlights, etc.

The most successful advertising campaigns with LED panels are those that capture the public's attention, making them act or react... depending on the objectives set by the advertiser. The LED advertising panel, which belongs to the outdoor display category, has its own codes. By understanding them, a company can adapt the format and content of its advertising campaigns to maximise their effectiveness. It can also take advantage of the benefits of digital advertising to ensure the best ROI: the ability to personalise content and instantly measure the performance of communications.

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