Digital Totem – Signage with multiple benefits

30 June 2023

The digital totem is one of the most widely used digital communication tools for businesses. They make their establishments easier to locate and identify. They also use them to inform, direct and guide people as they pass through their reception or sales areas.

Thanks to its practicality and ease of installation, the digital totem is a popular choice for many establishments. Its base allows it to be placed in any location where companies meet prospects and customers, while guaranteeing their safety.

The digital totem is also effective at attracting audiences. That’s why it’s commonly used to promote products and services, or to achieve any other image and brand awareness objective. But the digital totem is much more than a screen mounted on a stand: it’s a connected tool that offers businesses a host of other possibilities.

Discover all the benefits of digital totems in this article!

The advantages of communicating on a digital totem

Screens are the materials that make digital totems dynamic display solutions. Thanks to them, companies have a great deal of room for manoeuvre when it comes to creating content. For example, they can be used to display a wider range of information, or to create a video presentation of a product or service, and so on.

In addition to the wide range of advertising formats that can be displayed, digital totems offer a number of advantages. Technological advances and innovation by manufacturers are making them even more effective communication tools.

Digital totems are not just tools for broadcasting content:

Tools to simplify content creation

Digital totems offer companies the opportunity to be more agile in their communication campaigns. Once digital content has been created, it can be displayed instantly on one or more digital totems. Reducing the time taken to produce content is one of the advantages that distinguishes digital signage from traditional displays.

Tools that can be synchronised

The digital dimension of advertising totems means they can be linked to a central control system. Content is easily managed and synchronised from a single location. The company’s communication campaigns benefit from improved management.

Sustainable and responsible tools

Technological advances have considerably increased the lifespan of LED screens and reduced their energy consumption. Digital totems therefore have the advantage of responding to the social and environmental concerns of our time. These issues are also stimulating innovation in corporate advertising.

All the advantages of LED screen totems, which are directly linked to the properties of digital technology, can be used to meet a company’s communication objectives. They improve the targeting of advertising messages and enable them to be personalised.As a result, messages are more likely to be remembered.

Connected tools

Digital totems are to some extent similar to computers. They offer companies the opportunity to use programmes and software to control message delivery and user interface design more easily. Information can be automatically transmitted to the public. Depending on multiple criteria such as date, day or time.

Data-driven tools

When they are interactive, digital totems also benefit from technological innovations linked to data. For example, they can obtain certain information from users connecting via WiFi. But the benefits of the most innovative digital totems go beyond data collection. They offer high value-added services through the exploitation and processing of data. Technologies such as AI are capable of establishing predictive models to anticipate the behaviour of a person browsing the digital totem. This enables companies to suggest purchases that meet their needs.

A more attractive customer experience on totem

Digital totems help to enhance the customer experience at a point of sale or in a reception area. They improve the quality of the time spent by the public in the venue. For example, by enabling them to make the most of their waiting time.

The attractiveness and ease of installation of digital totems make them ideal for event communication. At a trade show, for example, a company can use them to stand out from its competitors and attract prospective customers to its stand.

Digital totems also offer the opportunity to improve the customer experience as part of an omnichannel approach. Prospects and customers can access different services from any surface (smartphone, kiosk, totem, etc.) thanks to in-store integration. In other words, all operations complement each other and are interwoven into a uniform customer experience, as if all stages of the purchasing journey had been carried out via a single channel.

Interactive digital totems for users and businesses

When they are interactive, digital totems go beyond the unilateral transmission of messages from one company to another. They transform the encounter with the public into an opportunity to sell a product or deliver a service. Interactive LED screens owe their performance to their functionality, ergonomics and efficiency. This combination makes them tools capable of supporting companies in their operational or commercial missions.

Although they do not offer functionalities that facilitate the organisation of an establishment, such as pre-registering patients in a healthcare establishment or ordering a meal in a restaurant. Companies can also derive a number of benefits from interaction with individuals. Particularly those enabled by digital totems. A company can use public interaction with a digital totem to :

Entertaining with a digital totem

The digital totem is a terminal that can display a wide range of static or animated content. Thanks to this, the public can make their waiting time in an establishment more enjoyable. Digital totems can also be used to engage prospects and customers at the point of sale to further enhance the customer experience.

Making purchasing
more efficient

Prospects and customers aren’t the only ones who can navigate a digital totem. The same goes for a company’s sales staff. Whether in a shop, on a stand at a trade show or in a corporate showroom. Interaction with the digital totem makes the presentation of a product or service more dynamic and convincing. Not least thanks to the animated nature of the information displayed. But also thanks to the wide range of content and resources that can be accessed from a single terminal: product and service presentation sheets, illustrative or explanatory videos, etc.

Digital totems are one of the easiest dynamic display solutions to install. And they can be set up anywhere: in a point of sale, a reception area, or on a stand at an event.
But more than that, their performance comes from their connectivity. They can be used to personalise messages and interact with individuals.

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