
Digitalise your menuboard

  • An interactive menu software extension
  • Manage your dishes, menus, drinks and desserts in just a few clicks
  • Fully customisable to your graphic charter
  • Prioritisation of your products
  • Complete pricing management

Offers and services

Iagona - Reducing waiting times

Build loyalty

Reduce your customers’ waiting time by simplifying access to products

Iagona - Branding


Highlight your current offers and promotions with your interactive menuboard

Iagona - Value


Give your entire product range greater visibility

Iagona - Customer Service


Renew your restaurant’s image by digitalising its communications

Digitise your restaurant menus and make them more attractive with the installation of a specialised digital signage solution for restaurants

Contact us

MenuEx features

Offer better visibility

MenuEx allows you to present your entire restaurant menu and highlight your top products of the moment. In this way, you can give greater visibility to your entire range, and guarantee it just as much chance of success.

Your successful products will be easier to distinguish in your analyses.

Re-enchant the customer experience

Offer your customers an autonomous digital welcome so that they have time to choose before ordering. Distributing your products digitally means giving customers the opportunity to make their choice with full knowledge of all the products, and without feeling oppressed.

Reduce waiting time

By digitalising your menus, your customers can take the time to make up their minds before ordering at the checkout. Once they’re ready, orders are placed more quickly. Customers will feel less like they’re waiting unnecessarily for their turn to come. And your staff will have more time to concentrate on preparing orders.

The 5 advantages of installing MenuEx in your establishment

Installing the MenuEx software extension in your establishment will bring you a number of advantages on a daily basis:

  • Presentation of the menu and dishes of the moment: digital signage allows you to present the menu and dishes of the moment in an interactive and attractive way, along with the associated ingredients and prices.
  • Highlighting promotions and special offers: digital signage can be used to advertise promotions and special offers in an attractive and visible way, which can encourage customers to order more.
  • Creating a pleasant atmosphere: by playing music or images in the background, digital signage can help to create a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere in the restaurant.
  • Communicating with customers: digital signage can also be used to communicate directly with customers, for example by sending them a welcome message or informing them of estimated waiting times.
  • Time and cost savings: by using digital signage software, you can save time and money by automating the distribution of information such as opening hours, contact details, etc.

Using digital signage software can offer many advantages for a restaurant, from highlighting dishes and promotions to creating a pleasant and reassuring atmosphere.

In the same



Extension dédiée à la préparation de véhicule

  • Compatible dans des écrans, totems ou encore pupitre 

  • Diffusion dynamique de votre parc automobile

  • Simplifiez la préparation des plannings de préprations 

  • Support de communication digital

  • Personnalisation de votre interface et des contenus

  • Gestion à distance de votre interface


Extension dédiée à la gestion et planification des campagnes publicitaires

  • Compatible pour les écrans

  • Un support numérique idéale pour l’extérieur comme l’intérieure 

  • Dynamisme des campagnes publicitaires

  • Programmation et organisation simplifiée 

  • Personnalisation de l’interface et des contenus

  • Gestion à distance des régies publicitaires 

  • Grâce à la programmatique gérez le flux des clients en temps réel​

  • Personnalisez votre offre de produits selon les préférences des clients, maximisant les ventes et la satisfaction


Digitalisez votre accueil

  • Solution logicielle pour l’accueil de vos visiteurs
  • Intégrée dans une borne tactile (lien page produit K12) ou écran tactile
  • Enregistrement des visiteurs de votre établissement 
  • Prise de contact par visio ou téléphone 
  • Support de communication digital
  • Personnalisation de votre interface et des contenus diffusés
  • Gestion à distance de votre interface


Boost your signage

  • Software solution to guide your visitors
  • Integrated into a touch terminal or LED monitor
  • Guidance to the different rooms in your establishment
  • Indication of the occupancy of your different rooms
  • Programming for events
  • Real-time updates
  • Connection with Exchange


Extension dédiée à la gestion de file d’attente

  • Compatible dans des écrans, totems ou encore pupitre 

  • Facilitez l’enregistrement de vos visiteurs

  • Fluidifiez la file d’attente dans les zones à fortes affluences

  • Support de communication digital

  • Personnalisation de votre interface et des contenus

  • Gestion à distance de votre interface


Extension dédiée à l’orientation des visiteurs

  • Compatible dans des écrans, totems ou encore pupitre 

  • Orientation interactive des visiteurs

  • Modélisation 3D des plans  par zones, niveaux…

  • Support de communication digital ludique et intuitif 

  • Personnalisation de votre interface et des contenus

  • Gestion à distance de votre interface



Iagona can help you digitise your customer journey

We’re here to listen to your digital signage projects, to help you digitise your displays and advise you on the best way to meet your needs!

Contact us